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Sharon's Story

"I joined the field of Children's Community Nursing later in my career, and I loved every moment of it. I aimed to improve my knowledge and skills to become the most effective community nurse possible, providing holistic care to my patients, while enhancing and expanding the existing services. Initially, I was worried that I had waited too long to pursue further studies, especially since I hadn't engaged in academic learning for over two decades.

In September 2023, I enrolled in the postgraduate degree at LJMU, for Specialist Children's Community Nursing Practitioner. Although I started with a sense of apprehension and numerous worries, those feelings quickly faded as my module tutors provided as much or as little support as I needed. I also took advantage of additional study sessions offered by the library, and the support of my peers on the course was invaluable throughout the year. I have formed lifelong friendships. I was also put forward as the student representative of our group.

This programme is challenging, emotionally and academically, but I have successfully completed it, and I couldn't be prouder of my achievements. If you're contemplating this course, I wholeheartedly encourage you to pursue it; you won't regret it. It has been the most fulfilling and rewarding experience of my career to date and has prepared me to be the best healthcare practitioner I can be. My only regret is that I never did this years ago!"